An Educational Experience in the Area of Librarianship: Innovating Through Practical and Creative Teaching Strategies




Librarianship, Didactics, Meaningful Learning, Education, Teaching


The article aims to present the process developed to adapt, innovate and improve the
teaching strategies applied in the course "Fundamentals of Library and Information
Sciences" of the School of Library and Information Sciences of the University of Costa
Rica. For this purpose, a diagnosis was made to 56 students enrolled during the I cycle
2019 and based on their needs and ways of learning, 3 didactic strategies that facilitated
the acquisition of knowledge, meaningful learning and the acquisition of soft skills were
devised and applied. As a result, the activities carried out were widely accepted by the
students, which was reflected both in their evaluations and those applied to teachers.


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How to Cite

An Educational Experience in the Area of Librarianship: Innovating Through Practical and Creative Teaching Strategies. (2022). Bibliotecas, 40(1), 1-25.

How to Cite

An Educational Experience in the Area of Librarianship: Innovating Through Practical and Creative Teaching Strategies. (2022). Bibliotecas, 40(1), 1-25.

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