Digital biomes in the Discord environment




Communities, Digital Biomes, Information Resources, Servers, Systems


For the purposes of this text, digital biomes are conceptualized as a diversity of resources and communities based on information needs in the online digital context. The research work aims to describe the characteristics of digital biomes from the environment of two thematic sites created by enthusiasts, organizations and initiatives in Discord, in order to know what information resources are collected and used by online communities. Having as a theoretical framework a Luhmannian perspective due to the fact that it is a disciplinary reference to analyze the complexity of certain contexts that display partially visible dynamics. The research methodology has a digital nature with a qualitative approach focused on obtaining data. According to the results in the two thematic sites focused on the practice and learning of the English language, sections are presented where it is possible to find and share information resources that aim to respond to the information needs of users who access the sites. themes, known on Discord as servers.


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How to Cite

Digital biomes in the Discord environment. (2024). Bibliotecas, 42(1), 1-25.

How to Cite

Digital biomes in the Discord environment. (2024). Bibliotecas, 42(1), 1-25.

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