In Praise of Library History


  • Héctor Guillermo Alfaro López


Library Science, History, Documents, Information


This article points out the decrease in the historical study of librarianship as opposed to the increase in studies on technology driven by globalization and by the predominance of technicality in the discipline, although it is indispensable to retake that historical knowledge if librarianship wishes to be instituted as a field of fully scientific knowledge. Emphasis is placed on the beginnings of librarianship, from orality to the written record preserved by archives and libraries, and its close relationship to the development of the science of history. A link is also established between documents, librarians and historians in order to understand the past and the social present.


Author Biography

Héctor Guillermo Alfaro López

Investigador, Centro Universitario de Investigaciones Bibliotecológicas, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México



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