Internet in Costa Rican public libraries: its importance in bridging the digital divide


  • Olga Rodríguez Chaves


Internet Public Library, Digital Divide Opportunities


Being the public library of free and open access, it constitutes one of the means of information and knowledge that offers opportunities to all members of the community and from where the rights to information, education, culture and recreation can be made effective. According to UNESCO, it is the responsibility of the public library to facilitate access to knowledge and information through the Internet, and thereby achieve its development and technological evolution. Currently, the Costa Rican public library is gradually entering the world of ICTs and is trying to integrate into the digital revolution to offer innovative, quality services and remain useful for citizens, while seeking to bridge the digital divide for those who have fewer opportunities.


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Costa Rica, leyes y decretos. (2007). Proyecto Centros Comunitarios Inteligentes de interés público. En Diario Oficial La Gaceta Nº 57. San José, C.R.: Imprenta Nacional.

García, F. J. (2005?). La biblioteca pública ante la brecha digital: oportunidades y retos. [En línea] Consulta: 29/06/07.

IFLA/UNESCO. (2005). Pautas para el servicio de acceso a Internet en las Bibliotecas Públicas. [En línea] Consulta: 29/06/07.

Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud. (2005). Pautas para el servicio de acceso a Internet en las Bibliotecas Públicas. Madrid, España.




How to Cite

Internet in Costa Rican public libraries: its importance in bridging the digital divide. (2008). Bibliotecas, 26(1), 51-78.

How to Cite

Internet in Costa Rican public libraries: its importance in bridging the digital divide. (2008). Bibliotecas, 26(1), 51-78.

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