Library archetypes: design of a multimedia didactic proposal that contributes to the improvement of the image of librarianship in Costa Rican society


  • Freddy Alonso Oviedo González Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica


Librarianship, Archetypes, Multimedia, ICT, Pedagogical Strategies, Educational Materials


This document describes each one of the steps of the investigation carried out to know the factors that could be influencing the low enrollment of first-time students that the School of Librarianship, Documentation and Information of the National University has experienced in the last few years. In response to the needs detected, a multimedia-didactic proposal is proposed, which contributes to improving the problems encountered, making use of technological tools with a pedagogical basis that encourages reflection of the population to whom the product is directed. Finally, the conclusions and recommendations obtained in the study are presented.

Author Biography

Freddy Alonso Oviedo González, Universidad Nacional



Maestría en Tecnología e Informática Educativa (CUM LAUDE)

2011   Universidad Nacional  Heredia, Costa Rica


Licenciatura en Informática con énfasis en Sistemas de Información

2008   Universidad Nacional  Heredia, Costa Rica


Bachillerato en Informática Educativa

2008  Universidad Nacional   Heredia, Costa Rica


Ingeniero en Informática

2002 - 2004  Universidad Nacional  Heredia, Costa Rica


Diplomado en informática

1998 - 2002  Universidad Nacional   Heredia, Costa Rica


Certificado en el idioma inglés con énfasis en conversación. 2000  Nuestra Familia, Escuela de Idiomas Heredia, Costa Rica


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How to Cite

Library archetypes: design of a multimedia didactic proposal that contributes to the improvement of the image of librarianship in Costa Rican society. (2012). Bibliotecas, 30(1).

How to Cite

Library archetypes: design of a multimedia didactic proposal that contributes to the improvement of the image of librarianship in Costa Rican society. (2012). Bibliotecas, 30(1).

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