Perspective of digitization from the point of view of copyright


  • Carlos Adrián Ramírez Marín


Digitization Copyright, Legislation, International Conventions, Costa Rica


Digitalization is, nowadays, a very important mechanism to help information get where it’s needed, thanks specially to the universality of internet access. However, it carries within the responsibility of making a good use of it, in means of copyright, guarding the existing legislation in Costa Rica and the international agreements in which the country takes part. Legislation allows, under certain premises, the use of digitalization. Nevertheless, it’s necessary to define the parameters in which these premises will be applied, so it’s used correctly.


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Haeussler, O y Porres, T., (1998). La conservación en los archivos. Guatemala, UNESCO-Universidad de San Carlos.

Ley de derechos de autor y derechos conexos, Ley 6683. (1982). Extraído de, el 27 de setiembre.

Ley de procedimientos de observancia de derechos de propiedad intelectual, Ley 8039. (2000). Extraído de, el 1 de noviembre.

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How to Cite

Perspective of digitization from the point of view of copyright. (2008). Bibliotecas, 26(1), 79-98.

How to Cite

Perspective of digitization from the point of view of copyright. (2008). Bibliotecas, 26(1), 79-98.

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