Qualitative research applied to the development of supervised professional practice


  • Aracelly Ugalde Víquez


Qualitative research, triangulation, Higher Education, Professional Learning, Library


The pedagogical procedures used in the course BGE215 Supervised Professional Practice at the School of Library, Documentation and Information (EBDI) of the National University (UNA) in Costa Rica are described and compared with the methods, techniques and instruments used in qualitative research. In addition, triangulation is applied to determine the validity of the techniques used to evaluate the supervised professional practice carried out in the School.

The subjects of this research were: 22 students of third year librarianship, 20 direct managers and two academics. The objects analysed were 22 different types of products produced in practice, 40 reports from students and supervisors, the catalographies produced, the databases updated. In addition, collation sheets, visit diaries, interviews, printed and oral reports, opinions and observation were used as instruments in the collection of information.

Author Biography

Aracelly Ugalde Víquez

Vicedecana de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, UNA (2011-2015)

Título académico

-Maestría en Administración de la Tecnología de la Información UNA (2004)- Licenciatura en Bibliotecología y Ciencias de la Información, UCR (1991)


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How to Cite

Qualitative research applied to the development of supervised professional practice. (2007). Bibliotecas, 25(1), 7-42. https://www.revistas.una.ac.cr/index.php/bibliotecas/article/view/410

How to Cite

Qualitative research applied to the development of supervised professional practice. (2007). Bibliotecas, 25(1), 7-42. https://www.revistas.una.ac.cr/index.php/bibliotecas/article/view/410

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