Some concerns about copyright protection on the Internet
Digital technology, Intellectual property, Author's copyright, International treaties, OMPI, Multimedia, World Wide WebAbstract
The advent of the World Wide Web and the use of technology in the digital environment posed new challenges to copyright. These concerns have been addressed in recent international treaties, so the warning of those who postulate that the Internet is a "no-man's land" where works are completely unprotected is not true. Educating on the subject of copyright protection and providing resources to the bodies in charge of enforcing these rights seems an urgent task.
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Legislación consultada
Aprobación del Tratado de la OMPI sobre Derechos de Autor (WCT), Ley No. 7968, del 22 de diciembre de 1999.
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Ley de Procedimientos de Observancia de los Derechos de Propiedad Intelectual, Ley No. 8039, del 5 de octubre de 2000.
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