The evaluation of Scientific Activity Using Bibliometric Indicators


  • María Luisa Lascurain Sánchez


Evaluation, scientific indicators, Bibliometric, Experts


The evaluation of scientific and technological activities tends to be a common practice in most of the countries highlighted in Science and Technology, as a result of this the opinion of experts and bibliometric indicators are raised to study simultaneously characteristics of the analyzed documents in order to establish the multiple interrelations. Another aspect of interest within this document is that it rescues the aspects of the research activity determined from these indicators, for example Average Life or Price Index.


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How to Cite

The evaluation of Scientific Activity Using Bibliometric Indicators. (2006). Bibliotecas, 24(1 y 2), 9-26.

How to Cite

The evaluation of Scientific Activity Using Bibliometric Indicators. (2006). Bibliotecas, 24(1 y 2), 9-26.

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