The Information Society and Action Multiculturalism


  • Estela Morales Campos


Society, Information, Multiculturalism, Globalization, UNESCO


No one can speak of the XXI century society without relating to the use of information and social access to telecommunications and computing to meet the demands of new citizens. In the countries of Latin America, where access to information and technology is not easy, it requires that these elements are part of the responsibilities of individuals and governments to conform policies and public programs and private education, culture and science.


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Olivé, León Olivé, Multiculturalismo y pluralismo . México, Edit. Piadós-UNAM/Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, 1999.

Programme of the Federal Republic of Germany for Specialized Information. Bonn, The Federal Minister for Research and Technology Public relations Office, 1985.

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