Cyberspace: rethinking the metaphor of the human


  • Vanessa Fonseca González


Cyberspace, Human, Cosmetology, knowledge, Process


In this paper the author refers to changes of perception to be addressed and like in other historical moments, a change of metaphor that must not be understood only as a change cosmetological. That is, each extension of the senses changes the way of thinking, acting and a way of perceiving the world; this in turn implies a change in the process of knowledge. In this way, the author ends rethinking that humanism on the threshold of the twenty-first century, is probably one of the most frigid from the end of the century.


Deborah Lupton. The Embodied ComputerlUser en Cyberspace, Cyberbodies, Cyberpunk. Cultures of Technological Embodiment (ed.) Mike Featherstone y Roger Burrows. Londres: Sage. 1995. p. 99.

Op. cit. p. 100.

William Gibson. Neuromancer. Ace Books: New York. 1984. p. 51.4.M. Keith Booker. The Cyberpunk Fiction of WilliamGibson. En Arizona Quartely Review. Vol. 50. Núm.

Winter. 1994. p. 66.

George Lakoff y Mark Johnson. Metáforas de la vidacotidiana. Madrid: Cátedra. 1991. pp. 235-236.

Nancy K. Baym. The Emergence of Community in Computer Mediated Communication. En Cybersociety. Computer Mediated Communication and Community. London: Sage. 1995. p. 153.

Mike Featherstone. Undoing CuIture. Globalization,Posmodernism and Identity. London: Sage: 1995. P. 118.

Dan Thu Nguyen and Jon Alexander. The Coming of Cyberspace and the End of Polity en RobShields (ed.) Cultures of Internet. Virtual Spaces, Real Stories, Living Bodies. London: Sage. 1996. pp. 106-107.




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