CABSYS bibliographic database on religion in Costa Rica, standardization and evaluation of contents
Cabsys, Microisis, Bibliographic Control, School of Ecumenics, Authors, Titles, Keywords, Standardization, ThesaurusAbstract
This database contains 30738 records referential Rican religious press, ECLAC format, produced using the program Microisis, Ecumenical School of Religion at the National University. We report our experience and the procedures used for the normalization of the database Cabsys from identification and verification of the items entered since 1986, directly from the original sources: religious newspapers, complementation of the titles, the development of a author authority file, corroboration of the location reference data, standardization of descriptors and the development of a subject authority file.
Tables are illustrative of the articles, for example, distribution of papers by author, gender distribution, distribution by year of publication, most representative topics as assigned descriptors and correlation between them and the words of the title of the articles.
Micro CDS/ISIS: versión 3.7 y versión winisis. Paris: UNESCO, 1999.
Pérez, Alvaro. Lista de encabezamientos de materia para teología. San José: Red Latinoamericana de Información Teológica, 1998.
Sequeira, Deyanira y Picado, Miguel. Tesaurus de religión. Heredia: Universidad Nacional, 1980.
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