

  • Aracelly Ugalde Víquez


Library of Babel, School of Library, Documentation, Information


The Library of Babel, the dream of Jorge Luis Borges, is "an astronomical size toral library, everything is in its volumes, ... all ... the universe."

The library of my dreams is not a place, is a world of worlds, where each page is like a large fig leaf, which is renewed and catches the visitor in an intellectual thrill.

Students dream of a library that "has all the necessary budget, with professional enthusiastic, persistent, patient, creative and dreamy. Very Great, with large green areas for children, elderly, ... for all; conditioned so that the visitors enjoy access to all services. a place where dreams can be realized "

Author Biography

Aracelly Ugalde Víquez

Puesto Actual

- Vicedecana de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, UNA (2011-2015)

Título académico

- Maestría en Administración de la Tecnología de la Información UNA (2004)- Licenciatura en Bibliotecología y Ciencias de la Información, UCR (1991)




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