The user from the historical, philosophical, theoretical and methodological analysis
library science epistemology, information user, library science paradigmsAbstract
In library science, the relationship between philosophy, theory, methodology, and practice is poorly analyzed and considered, since much of the energy has focused on solving practical problems without taking into consideration aspects such as: epistemological foundation, critical thinking, evolution of concepts, and social changes. This documentary research was conducted to identify and analyze the epistemological development of library science, particularly in aspects related to the information user. A hermeneutic analysis was conducted to find out the philosophical, theoretical and methodological positions of sixty- nine publications of national and international authors. This analysis identifies and describes the epistemological paradigms that have influenced the development of library science, situations that have led to paradigm shifts, and the role of the user according to each paradigm. In addition, the epistemological foundations of the information user were analyzed based on the current paradigm (social paradigm), and from the following representations: library science, the librarian, the library, the concept of information, the concept of information needs, needs assessment, and library research methods.
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