Twenty years of the Foundation of the School of Library, Documentation and Information of the National University Intellectual Property in Costa Rica - The information technology environment


  • Marlene Harper
  • Guishelle Carballo V.
  • Magda Sandí Sandí


Library, Documentation and Information, conference, UNA, School of Libraries, Documentation and Information


The School of Library, Documentation and Information is celebrating its twentieth anniversary with the celebration of an international congress on the subject: Electronic Information and Digital Libraries to be held from 23 to 26 September 1997.


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Eduardo Andrade M. Ponencia presentada para la X reunión Interamericana de bibliotecarios y documentalistas Agrícolas. –

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Técnicas de gestión para bibliotecas y centros de información /

Joe Bryson. – Madrid : Fundación Germán Sánchez Ruipérez, 1992

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García Guadilla, Carmen

“Globalización y conocimientos en tres tipos de escenarios” /

Carmen García Guadilla. – Educación superior y sociedad. –

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taller abierto. “Futuro de la internet”. – Abr. – May., 1995.




How to Cite

Twenty years of the Foundation of the School of Library, Documentation and Information of the National University Intellectual Property in Costa Rica - The information technology environment. (1997). Bibliotecas, 15(1 y 2).

How to Cite

Twenty years of the Foundation of the School of Library, Documentation and Information of the National University Intellectual Property in Costa Rica - The information technology environment. (1997). Bibliotecas, 15(1 y 2).

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