The use of ICT in the area of Library and Information Science


  • Máster Freddy Oviedo González
  • Máster José Francisco Zúñiga Benavides


Software, Libraries, Education, Internet, Web 2.0


Information technology and communication (ICT): this area is related to the development of IT skills from a global perspective, includes the use of the computer and managing files, digitized information, spreadsheets, and databases to develop documentary support, hypertext (www), multimedia, library automation, networks and information systems, virtual libraries, supported by telematics.


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How to Cite

The use of ICT in the area of Library and Information Science. (2014). Bibliotecas, 32(2), 1-16.

How to Cite

The use of ICT in the area of Library and Information Science. (2014). Bibliotecas, 32(2), 1-16.

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