Analysis of the articles of Derrida, Foucault and Agamben in a constructivist look


  • Héctor Souza Valencia


perception of Freud, Derrida, Civilization and Its Discontents, in which Freud, Giorgio Agamben


The first thing you should ask is why Derrida is interested in Freud to let us know your view of the files? What is in the concepts of Freud and psychoanalysis that make you think outside the psychological field? But in turn it is to look outside a phenomenon, this can lead us to new ideas of perception that invites us to wonder if an outside and an inside; that is, if the perception of the world, how we perceive it, is independence or dependence on the observer. New biological and psychological currents especially tell us that there is no independence between the observer and the observed, many constructivist current support these statements and give weight to these ideas that increasingly put head to perception and what we commonly know as the "perception of the world" .The main focus of this analysis is to realize if Derrida, with all his acute perception of Freud, psychoanalysis and especially the archives, we can clarify concepts and then see convergence.


Agamben. G (2000). Lo que queda de Auschwitz el archivo y el testigo homo sacer III. España: Exlibris 2005.

Carretero. M (1993). Constructivismo y educación. España: Edelvive S.A.

Coll. C (1997). El constructivismo en el aula. España: Graó S.A.

Derrida. J (1994). Mal de archivo. Una impresión freudiana. España : Editorial Trotta.

Feixas. G (2000). Constructivismo y Psicoterapia. España: Editorial Descleé de Brouwer. S.A

Foucaul, M (1970). La arqueología del saber. París: Siglo xxi editores S.A.

Maturana. H (1996). El sentido de lo humano. Chile: Dolmen editores.



How to Cite

Analysis of the articles of Derrida, Foucault and Agamben in a constructivist look. (2015). Bibliotecas, 33(2), 1-11.

How to Cite

Analysis of the articles of Derrida, Foucault and Agamben in a constructivist look. (2015). Bibliotecas, 33(2), 1-11.

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