Cd-Rom and Access to Information


  • Lucía Chacón Alvarado


Installation of the Cd-Rom, Information that contains the Cd-Rom, The Cd-Rom related to Libraries, Advantages and Disadvantages of the Cd-Rom, Cd-Rom vs. Search on line


The scientific and technological advances in the world and his application in the different areas of the knowledge have developed a new electronic age. Example of the previous thing they are the CD-ROM that it has been penetrating into the libraries of a very effective way and of a form very sophisticated it allows the access to the information.


Borgman, Christine L. Effective online searching : a basic text / Christine L. Borgman. --New York : M. Dekker, 1984.

Brandhorst, Ted. ERIC on CD-ROM / Ted Brandhorst. --P. 59-60. EnLibrary Hi Tech. --Vol. 3, no. 4 (1985).

Ely, Donald P. ERIC (Educational Resources Information Center) : Multinacional multidisciplinario / Donald P. Ely. --P. 77-83.EnRevista Interamericana de Bibliotecología. --Vol. 8, no. 2 (Jul. -Dic. 1985)

Kesselman, Martin. Online update / Martin Kesselman. --P. 72-73. EnWilson Library Bulletin. --Vol. 62, no. 6 (Feb. 1988)

Marbán, Rocío. Estrategias de búsqueda de información / Rocío Marbán y Silvia Eugenia Robles Agnew. --/_S.l_./ : OEA -ICAITI, 1987. 82 P. ; 28 cm.




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