IX Conference "The Offer Academic Problem Essential National University"


  • Marlene Harper Alvarado


National university of Costa Rica, UNA, Professional librarians, information professionals, information systems, Information and knowledge


The fundamental aim of the study plan of Bibliotecología's School, Documentation and Information is form professionals qualified as real scientists of the information who, before the explosion of information of this epoch, are capable of selecting, analyzing, systematizing and making accessible the reliable and precise information of a most rapid and useful way.

Author Biography

Marlene Harper Alvarado


  • Licenciada en Bibliotecología y Ciencias de la Información. Universidad de Costa Rica.
Experiencia Académica
  • BGB106 Documentación 1
  • BGB202 Documentación II
  • BGB204 Bibliografía
  • BGB208 Análisis y Diseño de Sistemas
  • BGB506 Proyecto de Graduación 1




How to Cite

IX Conference "The Offer Academic Problem Essential National University". (1989). Bibliotecas, 7(2). https://www.revistas.una.ac.cr/index.php/bibliotecas/article/view/772

How to Cite

IX Conference "The Offer Academic Problem Essential National University". (1989). Bibliotecas, 7(2). https://www.revistas.una.ac.cr/index.php/bibliotecas/article/view/772

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