Services to users: The retrieval of information and documentary languages


  • Zaida Sequeira Ortiz


Languages Documentaries, Automated techniques, Typology of the consultation, Process of documentary recovery, Evolution of the documentary search, Interactive real time consultation, Deferred consultation, System of documentation of the FAO, Sistema de la UNESCO


At present the librarian with the immense quantity of information that circulates in the world him is impossible to include her, to store it and the most important thing to announce her. The processes of recovery of the information meet affected and for consequence the libraries already are not answering to the needs and expectations of the user, causing bounding in the offered services. Consequently in this article distinguish themselves in general form some languages that have been created for the best comprehension of the documents and a series of automated technologies that allow the recovery of the information.





How to Cite

Services to users: The retrieval of information and documentary languages. (1980). Bibliotecas, 1(4).

How to Cite

Services to users: The retrieval of information and documentary languages. (1980). Bibliotecas, 1(4).

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