College libraries in Caracas, Venezuela
Colleges Libraries in Caracas, Venezuela, Librarianship and Information Science, Libraries MakersAbstract
University libraries are institutions that store, manage and disseminate useful information for the fundamental tasks of universities: teaching, research and fostering relations with the communities through outreach activities; this way, they permanently generates new knowledge, training technologically up-to-dated professional with social sensitivity, thus contributing of culture and the transmission of democratic values to the communities where they are located.
The project of constructing a building for a university library requires setting up a working team to implement the project and, especially, developing that will point the way, as well as one or more individuals who are known as makers, who commit themselves and fight to attain the objectives. In this document, we highlight the work done in two university libraries that, due to their architectural characteristics, the value of their collections and the efficiency of their services are an example of what university libraries should be in a high-tech world.
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