Analysis of five Colombian Universities with more Published Researcher in Journals of the First Quartile According to the SIR Iber 2014


  • Rosa Elena Gómez Hurtado Fundación Universitaria UNINPAHU., Colombia
  • Alexander Gerena Herrera Fundación Universitaria UNINPAHU, Colombia



bibliometrics, informetrics, scientometrics, university rankings, scientific publications


A study of five universities with the highest percentage of publications in first quartile journals according to the international ranking SCImago Institutions Rankings Iberoamerica 2014 (SIR Iber 2014) was carried out. The records from the SIR Iber 2014 were exported to a database and by means of a spreadsheet in Excel tables and graphs were elaborated that allowed to make statistical counts, frequency and cluster analysis; among others. A review of the size of production, scientific impact, thematic specialization and collaboration between universities at the national and international contexts was made.
The study was carried out based on the review of the results obtained in the SIR Iber 2014, complemented with the data obtained from the Scopus and WOS databases related to the first five colombian universities published more papers in first-year journals Quartile (Q1). The main results show the universities with the best rank in the SIR Iber 2014 ranking according to the bibliometric criteria analyzed: international collaboration.


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How to Cite

Analysis of five Colombian Universities with more Published Researcher in Journals of the First Quartile According to the SIR Iber 2014. (2017). Bibliotecas, 35(3), 1-31.

How to Cite

Analysis of five Colombian Universities with more Published Researcher in Journals of the First Quartile According to the SIR Iber 2014. (2017). Bibliotecas, 35(3), 1-31.

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