The mobile devices and the reference service’s generations


  • Jairo Guadamuz Villalobos Escuela de Bibliotecología y Ciencias de la Información. Universidad de Costa Rica, Costa Rica



Reference work, evolution, new technologies, mobile devices, services


The reference itself has undergone changes in recent years, which has added to its resources technology tools that have boosted its component services.The authors who have studied this discipline have several classifications of their services and sometimes differ in opinion each other, making it difficult to obtain a clear view of the difference between the reference rate being studied.

So far, the study of reference was limited to this vision based on ratings; however, after the analysis of the evolutionary behavior of services and tools that make this discipline, intends, through this article, see the reference as a branch of the library that is constantly evolving.


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How to Cite

The mobile devices and the reference service’s generations. (2017). Bibliotecas, 35(3), 1-15.

How to Cite

The mobile devices and the reference service’s generations. (2017). Bibliotecas, 35(3), 1-15.

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