Ética y buenas prácticas
ETHICS OF PUBLICATION (plagiarism detection and)
Bibliotecas uses the Turnitin software and the Google search engine to detect plagiarism, similarities in public texts and situations of bad practices (inconsistencies in citation, presentation and origin of data, omissions) in the works postulated for publication and from this section is based on the Policy of Ethics and Good Publishing Practices. The theoretical support is based on the following international documents:
- Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors, COPE (2011).
- COPE Ethical Guidelines for Peer Reviewers, Committee on Publication Ethics (2013).
- Ethics in Research & Publication, Elsevier (2014).
- Recommendations for the Conduct, Reporting, Editing, and Publication of Scholarly Work in Medical Journals, International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (2015).
Principles of Transparency and Best Practice in Scholarly Publishing, by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE, 2015).
And national in scope:
- Law No. 6683 on Copyright and Related Rights and its amendments to Law No. 7979 of the Republic of Costa Rica.
If in the review process by the editor, the Turnitin software, the Double Blind review process and the philological review, some anomaly is found, the author is informed of the situation; in case of representing a significant gravity to intellectual property, the work may be rejected. the review will be communicating the final decision with copies of the analysis made and with documentary backing.
Statement of Good Ethical Practices
The following good practice statement is adapted from the Biblios Magazine, which is originally based on the "Good Practice Guidelines for Publications" developed by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE):
1. About the Author
- Submission of ideas by other authors, as their own, is not acceptable practice.
- Authors should report any sources of funding that have allowed the study to be conducted, as well as any other commitments that may influence the interpretation of the results.
- All authors are obliged to provide the necessary corrections to errors.
- The author or authors, if necessary, will present their research methodology clearly and unambiguously in order to confirm the results and have them analysed by the scientific community.
- If the author or authors submit a derivative work, they must acknowledge the primary publication referred to in the article submitted to the Editorial Board of the Bibliotecas Journal.
2. About the Peer Review and Evaluators
- The evaluators must give their opinion objectively and without bias.
- Promptly report to the editor any conflicts of interest they may detect when reading an article that has been sent to you for review.
- Alert any possible plagiarism situation in a paper, either partially or in its entirety. Also indicate whether any theoretical sources are being used in an article without being cited.
- Peer review is a confidential process. Any information about the articles evaluated must be kept confidential by the evaluators.
3. About the Editor
- It is the responsibility of the editor to evaluate articles without regard to the race, gender, sexual orientation, religious belief, political belief, nationality, ethnic origin or personal position of the authors.
- It must decide which articles should be submitted for peer review, as well as which are ready for publication after review, and must preserve the confidentiality of the articles evaluated by not revealing any information about their content, subject matter, authorship, data included, analyses carried out or final conclusions.
- It is the editor's responsibility to meet the needs of readers and authors, to constantly improve and innovate the journal, and to ensure the quality of the articles published.
- The editor must avoid any conflict of interest with rejected or accepted articles and promote the publication of corrections, clarifications, rectifications and apologies when errors are found and whenever necessary.
4. About the Editorial Board
- The Editorial Board is committed to ensuring the quality of the content.
- The results shall be presented in a clear, honest manner without falsification or mishandling of data.
- The Editorial Board is responsible for overseeing and safeguarding the different aspects of the journal's editorial ethics, resolving any ethical conflict promptly and in coordination with the editor, in order to maintain the journal's academic integrity and credibility.
- The Editorial Board rejects plagiarism and fraudulent data in articles in any form.
- The Editorial Board is prepared to publish corrections, clarifications, rectifications and apologies when necessary.