Thinking About Education in Human Rights from an Ethical and Controversial Perspective


  • Abraham Magendzo Universidad Académica de Humanismo Cristiano, Chile
  • Ángela Bermúdez Centro de Ética Aplicada en la Universidad de Deusto. Bilbao, Spain



human rights education, ethics, controversiality


This paper delves into the relationship between the education in human rights and ethics from a controversial perspective. It is a direction that seeks to help people become active and participatory citizens in a pluralistic democracy. Three fundamental ethical principles are analyzed, and they allow teaching human rights through controversy: Human rights: a global ethics of human rights; human rights: an ethical minimum; human rights and moral pluralism. This article proposes to relate human rights education with the critical-dialogical pedagogy. In this perspective are identified four critical inquiry tools that serve to develop different dimensions for a critical understanding in the social sphere: the approach of the problem, the reflexive skepticism, the multiperspectivity, and systemic thinking.


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How to Cite

Thinking About Education in Human Rights from an Ethical and Controversial Perspective. (2018). Revista Latinoamericana De Derechos Humanos, 28(2), 17-34.

How to Cite

Thinking About Education in Human Rights from an Ethical and Controversial Perspective. (2018). Revista Latinoamericana De Derechos Humanos, 28(2), 17-34.

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