Pedagogy of the Memory and Performative Writing in Human Rights Education
Human Rights Education, critical pedagogies, performative research, higher education.Abstract
One of the main challenges facing human rights education is to constitute an ethical-political
education that, in addition to making them known, pursues the emancipation of people, promoting
positive attitudes about their values and fostering their critical reflection. The aim of
this work, framed in critical pedagogies, is to explore the pedagogy of memory and performative
research in human rights education. Thus, we exemplify an experience designed around this
pedagogical framework, developed in the field of higher education; participants were students
from a teacher training course of a Higher Institute of the city of Rosario, Argentina. The
experience was collected through direct observation and has been analyzed in light of the
theoretical framework outlined. The engagement with the values of human rights requires a
significant learning; in that sense, we noted that participants could explore “otherness”, reflect
on the human dignity and experience the ethical dilemmas that arise when particular desires
and interests conflict in social interaction. We conclude that dramatic writing as performative
practice has great potential in allowing the exploration of emotions and mobilizing them towards
an understanding of the conflicts that arise from human interrelationships and, within
a framework of pedagogy of memory, this allows us to recover, interpret and resignify history.
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