
  • Abraham Magendzo K Doctor en Educación por la Universidad de California (EE. UU.). Director de la Cátedra Unesco de Educación en Derechos Humanos Harald Edelstam. Premio Nacional de Educación de Chile 2017. Académico e investigador de la Universidad Academia de Humanismo Cristiano, Chile
  • Shelom Velasco M Doctora en Derechos Humanos por la Indiana University Bloomington. Académica e investigadora de la Universidad Academia de Humanismo Cristiano, Chile
  • Paulina Morales A Doctora en Filosofía por la Universidad de Valencia (España). Integrante de la Cátedra Unesco de Educación en Derechos Humanos Harald Edelstam. Académica e investigadora de la Universidad Alberto Hurtado, Chile



Education, Human Rights, Pedagogical practices, Educational management, Social justice and inclusion, Cognitive variable, Affective-behavioral variable, Contextual variable


This article gives an account of the main results of an investigation about meanings attributed by a group of university students to human rights in Chile. Among the results, it is possible to advance that young people express a favorable position with respect to some principles related to human rights, such as freedom of belief, equality and respect for diversity, the role of the State as guarantor of rights, among others. Along with this, new elements are incorporated into the discussion, based on three central categories that cross similar research at the international level, which can be grouped into: pedagogical practices, educational management, social justice and inclusion. In each of them, in turn, reference will be made to three intervening variables in human rights education: cognitive, affective-behavioral and contextual.


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How to Cite

SIGNIFICATIONS FROM YOUNG UNIVERSITY STUDENTS ABOUT HUMAN RIGHTS. (2019). Revista Latinoamericana De Derechos Humanos, 30(1), 87-122.

How to Cite

SIGNIFICATIONS FROM YOUNG UNIVERSITY STUDENTS ABOUT HUMAN RIGHTS. (2019). Revista Latinoamericana De Derechos Humanos, 30(1), 87-122.

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