From rights to duties: The ethical imprint of human rights based on the responsibility to protect




Responsibility to protect, Human rights, Rights of otherness, Ethics, Public international law


The objective of this work is to propose, from an ethical perspective, a rethinking of the principle of “responsibility to protect”.  It starts from the premise that the violence generated by the intervention on any alterity is a reflection of the modern roots of contemporary rights and its individualistic postulates, based on the extreme defense of identity.  It is proposed to review these postulates through a reformulation of the legal concept of responsibility to protect, in order to propose an ethical approach to human rights, as rights of alterity. This means, in definitive, a rethinking of the terms of global coexistence: sociality is not constituted by addition of identities, but as an excess of responsibilities.

Author Biographies

Ana María Bonet de Viola, Universidad Católica de Santa Fe

Investigadora Universidad Católica de Santa Fe – CONICET (Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas – Argentina). Doctora en Derecho (Universidad de Bremen, Alemania), Master en Derecho – LLM (Universidad de Friburgo, Alemania), Abogada (UNL, Argentina), Mediadora. Directora del Proyecto de Investigación “Fraternidad como camino para la paz. Aportes para repensar los derechos humanos a partir de su potencial ético-relacional”, UCSF.

Federico Ignacio Viola, Universidad Católica de Santa Fe

Investigador asistente del CONICET (Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas) con lugar de trabajo en el Instituto de Filosofía de la Universidad Católica de Santa Fe – Argentina. Doctor en Filosofía (Universidad de Friburgo, Alemania), Licenciado en Filosofía (Universidad Nacional del Litoral, Arg.). Entre 2013 y 2015 Docente en la Universidad de Friburgo y en la Universidad de Koblez-Landau. Autor del libro “Der Kairos der Liebe. Das Konzept der Gerechtigkeit bei Emmanuel Levinas” y de publicaciones académicas aparecidas en revistas científicas de Europa y América Latina.


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How to Cite

From rights to duties: The ethical imprint of human rights based on the responsibility to protect. (2020). Revista Latinoamericana De Derechos Humanos, 31(2).

How to Cite

From rights to duties: The ethical imprint of human rights based on the responsibility to protect. (2020). Revista Latinoamericana De Derechos Humanos, 31(2).