Perspectives on the non-jurisdictional protection of the human right to housing in Mexico




Human rights, Housing, Non-jurisdictional protection, Social rights


This article will address the role that Public Organizations Protecting Human Rights have performed in relation to the protection of the right to housing.  From our perspective, it is necessary to reinforce all the means of protection of the human right to housing, in this case, in regards to the non-jurisdictional protection carried out by Public Organizations Protecting Human Rights.  In the present essay we will touch on the main scopes and achievements that have stood out in the protection of the human right to housing, in accordance with the constitutional and conventional standards that are pertinent to the case.  So that in the end, we can take stock of what a more effective protection of human rights implies, from the non-jurisdictional sphere, in accordance with the challenges that the right to housing implies for people in vulnerable situations.

Author Biographies

Mayra Patricia Venegas Agüeros, Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro, México

Abogada, Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro, mexicana.

Mauro Pérez Bravo, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México.

Doctorando en Derecho, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México.


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How to Cite

Perspectives on the non-jurisdictional protection of the human right to housing in Mexico. (2021). Revista Latinoamericana De Derechos Humanos, 32(1).

How to Cite

Perspectives on the non-jurisdictional protection of the human right to housing in Mexico. (2021). Revista Latinoamericana De Derechos Humanos, 32(1).

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