Teaching human rights in higher education. Experiences during the pandemic
universities, human rights, teaching, pandemicAbstract
Throughout these pages we propose to analyze the experience of a specific and limited educa- tional space: we refer to the ways in which students at the Universidad Nacional de Lanús, in Argentina, have gone through their educational experience during 2020, the year of the pande- mic. We present the results of a survey conducted during 2020 to 537 students, who responded to a virtual self-administered questionnaire in July and November. The survey sought to know their perceptions about the training in human rights that they receive during their second year of studies. Based on a resolution of the Superior Council, all the people who study at said university must take a course on human rights, which seeks to advance towards the training of professionals who feel immersed and challenged by a culture of human rights. Therefore, in this article we propose to address two issues at the same time: to know the ways in which students perceive and give meaning to human rights, and to know what their experience of training in human rights has been in the months of pandemic.
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