Body as a Territory of Peace: A Proposal for Human Rights Education in Informal Spaces and Youth Contexts




body and territory, human rights education, informal education, peace


This paper, Body as a Territory of Peace: A Proposal for Human Rights Education in Informal Spaces and Youth Contexts, aims to describe a pedagogical proposal to connect with the possibilities offered by informal learning and leisure spaces. These possibilities, combined with the simplicity of neighborhood contexts, enable approaching the (re)conceptualization of the body as a territory of peace from education for human rights and the claim of education for peace. It is proposed to use the controversial pedagogy and the pedagogy of liberation to establish a dialogic process taking into account the contribution provided in volume V, “Enduring war and rebuilding life: Impacts, confrontations and resistances,” from the report of the Comisión de la Verdad de Colombia (2022) [Colombian Truth Commission], to ultimately narrate the experience through the diversity offered by art. This pedagogical proposal offers an opportunity to heal the wounds and tend to the scars left by the internal armed conflict in Colombia, even when they seem invisible, claiming spaces of memory that history has also imprinted on the skin during our country's ongoing transition to peace.


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How to Cite

Body as a Territory of Peace: A Proposal for Human Rights Education in Informal Spaces and Youth Contexts. (2025). Revista Latinoamericana De Derechos Humanos, 36(1).

How to Cite

Body as a Territory of Peace: A Proposal for Human Rights Education in Informal Spaces and Youth Contexts. (2025). Revista Latinoamericana De Derechos Humanos, 36(1).

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