Systematization of Experiences: Reconstruction of the Historical Memory of the National Front of Indigenous Peoples (Frenapi). Clarifying Experiences of Contrast and Contentious Actions to Construct Human Rights


  • David Quesada García Docente de la Universidad Técnica Nacional para el Centro de Formación Pedagogíca Y Tecnología Educativa, Costa Rica



Sociology, human rights, experiences of contrast, indigenous peoples, systematization of experiences


The purpose of this article is to reflect on the indigenous peoples’ struggles for the rights in Costa Rica, based on an exercise of systematization of experiences. This exercise consisted in a reconstruction of the process experienced by the National Front of Peoples from 2001 until 2014, through the recovery of part of its historical memory, its trajectory, and its identity as a movement. This approach is made from a sociological perspective whose emphasis is to know the process of production and learning. This learning is intrinsic to the struggles for the defense and promotion of human rights the platform of indigenous movements has carried out. Among its conclusions, the growth of the actions is noteworthy. These actions have been carried out through the organization, sensitization, and awareness-raising on human rights of these indigenous peoples.

Author Biography

David Quesada García, Docente de la Universidad Técnica Nacional para el Centro de Formación Pedagogíca Y Tecnología Educativa

Licenciado en Sociología por la Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica, Bachiller en Ciencias Políticas por la Universidad de Costa Rica, docente de la Universidad Técnica Nacional para el Centro de Formación Pedagógica y Tecnología Educativa, e integrante del Servicio Paz y Justicia (SERPAJ-CR).


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How to Cite

Systematization of Experiences: Reconstruction of the Historical Memory of the National Front of Indigenous Peoples (Frenapi). Clarifying Experiences of Contrast and Contentious Actions to Construct Human Rights. (2017). Revista Latinoamericana De Derechos Humanos, 28(1), 117-146.

How to Cite

Systematization of Experiences: Reconstruction of the Historical Memory of the National Front of Indigenous Peoples (Frenapi). Clarifying Experiences of Contrast and Contentious Actions to Construct Human Rights. (2017). Revista Latinoamericana De Derechos Humanos, 28(1), 117-146.

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