About the Journal

Focus and Scope

The Universidad en Diálogo academic journal is an international publication in physical and electronic format attached to the Vice-Rectory of Extension of the National University of Costa Rica; dedicated to the dissemination of experiences, methodologies and theoretical criteria from the territories, communities and social groups that constitute the commitment of academic extensionists for the work of the area in its various manifestations, from a horizontal and integrating dimension.


Promote the production and dissemination of knowledge built in the field of university extension.


Strengthen the exchange of knowledge in various cultural practices.

Thematic Coverage

University extension in all its disciplines.


university extension, dialogue of knowledge, generation of capacities, systematization of experiences, integral social transformation, territorial development, democratization of knowledge, university-society-state actions, communities, social problems.

Target Audience

National and international community of extensionists-researchers, undergraduate and postgraduate students, and any public that is interested in the results of university extension with a participatory-action-research approach.


Biannual. The first issue runs from January to June. The second number from July to December.

Licensing and intellectual protection

The Universidad en Diálogo academic journal and each of the articles published are licensed by Creative Commons Attribution Non-commercial No derivatives 4.0 International.

Digital Identification

The journal provides each article with an alphanumeric code known as a DOI (Digital Object Identifier System) that identifies it on the web and retrieves it even if it is located on a server other than the one where it was originally hosted.

Digital Preservation

Through the PKP-PN system, the historical records of the journal are kept. This information is available at this link. Additionally, the information is backed up on the university's local servers and on the journal's cloud.

File Formats

The journal allows the download of all its published articles in HTML, PDF and EPUB format.

Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate free access to its content. The right to read all articles is free immediately after publication. By "open access", we mean free availability on the public internet, allowing users to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search or link to the full text of articles, pass them as data to software or use them for any other lawful purpose, without financial, legal or technical barriers that are not inseparable from internet access. The only limitation on reproduction and distribution, and the only role of copyright in this area, should be to give authors control over the integrity of their work and the right to be properly acknowledged and cited (Budapest Open Access Initiative).

Information and Statistics Services

Universidad en Diálogo academic journal is available on the following information and statistics service platforms:

Index: Latindex, DOAJ.
Databases: Scilit, REDIB, Actualidad Iberoamericana Sherpa-Romeo.
Repositories: Repository of the National University, Costa Rica and KIMUK Repository (National Repository of Costa Rica).
Portals: Portal of Academic Journals of the National University.
Search engines: Google Academics.
Academic networks: Network of Editors of University Extension Magazines (REDREU), Latin American Union of Latin American Extension (ULEU) and Central American System of University-Society Relations (SICAUS).
Social networks: Facebook.
Library systems: National Library System (SINABI) and Documentation and Information Library System (SIBDI).
Statistical directories: Google Scholar (Index H) and Google Analytics.

Publishing Entity

Vice-Rectory of Extension of the National University of Costa Rica.

Funding Sources

The journal is financed by the National University of Costa Rica, specifically, through the Vice-Rectory of Extension for the financing of the publications and conferences of the editorial team.

Journal History

The Universidad en Diálogo academic journal was born in 2011 -with an institutional character- as a meeting point to share experiences, visions, proposals and results of the commitment of the public university for the transformation of our complex and diverse realities towards a society with greater equity and Justice.

The publication is aimed at academics, students, professionals and society interested in the processes and methodologies of university extension and the university-society-State relationship.

The journal publishes every six months the experiences and achievements of university extension, as a meeting point to disseminate and share the extension work in its dialogue with the communities, understanding it in its horizontal and integrating dimension.

The practices, knowledge and experiences generated from university and community interaction have been collected since 2011 in this magazine to make visible, socialize and systematize both the processes and the results and impacts generated; with continuous improvements in its management strategy to raise the quality and internationalization of the journal, in response to a constantly changing context.

It is, in this sense, a broad communication body, but at the same time it seeks to account for the specific work carried out by academic extensionists and the community incidence that is generated in society and that feeds, at the same time, that work.

The university extension process is conceived as a producer of pertinent and relevant knowledge, which is assumed from the university's commitment to the community. In this link, from the dialogue of knowledge that Santos (2004) and Morais (2008) tell us about, it is promoted that practical knowledge and academic knowledge meet and dialogue, and therefore, mutual and enriching growth is generated. , with liberating and hopeful proposals.

The link between our university and the community is a historical fact that has been developing since the very foundation of this house of studies, so it can be said that there is an experience rich in volume and content. Today it is necessary to collect these practices, the knowledge and experiences generated from university-community interaction to make them visible, socialize and systematize them, both in their processes and in their results and incidence.

The publication of academic journals fulfills the preferential function of communicating and disseminating the knowledge built in the three fundamental areas on which the academy is based: teaching, research and extension. The National University has extensive experience in the production of specialized journals that account for teaching and research, but not in the extension area.

Through this publication dedicated to university extension, it is possible to make visible and demonstrate its social impact, while promoting the exchange of opinions and information among academics immersed in the various projects.

With this, not only is the work of extension workers and the substantive reference of their work at the university recorded, but also the university's commitment to building a fairer and more equitable society.