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In accordance with Law No. 8968, the law for the protection of individuals against the processing of their personal data, the AUTHORS agree to provide the Journal with a contact email, as well as the personal data necessary to identify the authorship. . In turn, they authorize the Journal to publish along with the article, the necessary personal data (name and surname, institution, city/country, email address and ORCID number). Any other personal data other than that indicated above, will be kept by the Journal with absolute confidentiality and may not be disclosed or transferred to third parties without the consent of the AUTHORS.
They admit that the application and possible publication of the article in the Universidad en Diálogo Magazine will be governed by its editorial policies, the institutional regulations of the National University and the legislation of the Republic of Costa Rica. Additionally, that in the event of any eventual difference in criteria or future dispute, it will be resolved in accordance with the mechanisms of Alternative Dispute Resolution and the Costa Rican Jurisdiction.