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Author Guidelines

Reception of articles

The reception of articles is always open and the approved articles will be scheduled for publication in accordance with the provisions of the Editorial Board of the journal.


Types of writings

Two types of documents are accepted:


Original articles: Derived from the experiences, challenges and commitments of the extension, as well as various manifestations that arise from the communities and social groups that constitute the binomial of the area's work; bibliographic review, essays).
Review articles: General issues of interest already carried out and future ones in national and international events.



The writings should not exceed 30 pages in total (including the references section).


Time for publication

Efforts are made that the time that elapses from the receipt of the letter to its publication does not exceed 8 months.



The EXTENSION-UNIVERSITY IN DIALOGUE JOURNAL receives articles in Spanish, English and Portuguese.



The authors do not assume any cost for the processing of articles, nor for the submission of articles (there is no cost for the editorial process of their articles).



When a person submits two or more articles for evaluation and they are approved, each one will be published in different volumes.



They may archive the post-print (the final version after peer review) or editor's version/PDF of the article approved for publication.


Bibliographic references

The journal provides references for each article (separately). This parameter is located by clicking on the index on each article title. The article must be regulated with the Publications Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA), seventh edition.


Content Responsibility

The content of the work to be published is the sole responsibility of the authors, since the magazine does not necessarily share the ideas, opinions and statements that are raised in the article.


Privacy statement

Names and email addresses will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this magazine and will not be made available for any other purpose or person.



People who apply for evaluation of an original must fill out and sign the document Letter of originality and assignment of rights.


academic resume

All authors must submit a brief academic resume, written in paragraph form. In this you must indicate your name and surname, ORCID, email and current place of work, including city and country (this information is important to note the affiliation of the authors, a quality parameter required by international indices).

Note: The academic resume must be part of the email in which the article is sent.


plagiarism detection

To detect plagiarism, the journal checks the similarity with other texts already published with the Turnitin tool prior to the peer review stage. The following aspects must be taken into consideration:


The article will be rejected ad-portas, if in the pre-review carried out by the magazine, plagiarism or self-plagiarism is detected.
In the event that the detection of plagiarism or self-plagiarism is detected when the article has already been published, or that the article appears published in another journal, it will be withdrawn both from the journal and from all other entities where it has been disseminated (indexes, databases and others).
Write down, in the textual or paraphrased citations, the corresponding authorship, in order to respect copyright and avoid plagiarism problems.
Citing your own sources (self-quoting) to avoid self-plagiarism problems.
Provide the signed permissions of the rights in case of including or adapting tables, figures (tables, photographs, drawings, paintings, maps, etc.) and collection instruments.


Code of ethics

In order to safeguard ethics and scientific rigor, REVISTA DE EXTENSIÓN-UNIVERSIDAD EN DIÁLOGO will ensure that the editorial team, the review team and the authors comply with the necessary ethical standards in the publication process in an environment of transparency. . These commitments take as reference international standards such as "Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors" and the "International Standards for Editors and Authors"; established by the Publication Ethics Committee (COPE).


Commitments of the authors


Authors are those who produce original material and express interest in publishing in the journal.
Only unpublished and original articles will be published.
The theme of the possible publication must correspond to that of the magazine.
People interested in publishing should read the Posting Guidelines before submitting the article.
The author person cannot present articles already

published in another journal.
The author must attribute the corresponding credits to individuals and institutions that collaborated in the systematization process.
The author must respect and express the intellectual property of others.
The author must sign the Letter of Originality expressing that they are fully responsible for the content of the article and indicating that their article is original.
The author accepts that his article will be submitted to an evaluation process.


List of requested documents


Letter of originality and assignment of rights.
Academic resume, briefly written in one paragraph within the email. It is mandatory to include the ORCID number of each author.
Manuscript in .docx format, APA7 style (for writing, citation and references) that complies with the reception policies for authors.
Figures (graphs, maps, photographs, drawings, diagrams, illustrations) in high resolution (when applicable).

Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • Web addresses have been added for references where possible.
  • The submitted article is in Word for Windows format.
  • The petition has not been previously published, nor has it been submitted to another journal (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The format standards requested in the document are complied with. Article format and use of APA7
  • Attach the Letter of originality and assignment of rights
  • The text meets the requirements of references with the APA model requested in the Posting Guidelines

Pautas de publicación

General information

Language. The Journal receives articles in Spanish, English and Portuguese.

Open Access “Open Access”. This magazine provides immediate free access to its content. The right to read all articles is free immediately after publication.

Gratuity. The authors do not assume any cost for the processing of articles, nor for the submission of articles (there is no cost for the editorial process of their articles).

Licensing and intellectual protection. The Magazine and each of the articles that are published are licensed by Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivatives 4.0 International.

DOI. This Journal provides DOI to each article. “It is an alphanumeric code that identifies an article on the web and retrieves it even if it is located on a different server than the one it was originally hosted on”.

Judgment format. In order to guarantee transparency, those who referee articles submit their evaluations with the Opinion Format, which is the form with the items that are qualified when people submit an article for arbitration.
The reception of articles is always open and the approved articles will be scheduled for publication in accordance with the provisions of the Editorial Board of the Journal.

Responsibility. The content of the work to be published is the sole responsibility of its author, since the magazine does not necessarily share the ideas, opinions and statements that are raised in the article.

Privacy statement. The names and e-mail addresses entered in this magazine will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this magazine and will not be made available for any other purpose or person.
formats. The Journal provides full-text articles in machine-readable (HTML) and human-language (PDF) formats.

The article must be regulated with the Publications Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA), seventh edition in English and/or its equivalent edition in Spanish.

Editorial Board. The Journal has an Editorial Board made up of members representing the National University and an International Scientific Committee with representatives from different parts of the world.

Bench of referees. The Journal has a bank of external peer referees specialists for the arbitration process.

Pautas de evaluación y dictamen

Instructions to the authors

Procedure for the selection and approval of articles

All papers will be submitted to the review process with the external peer review system (external evaluators), with the double-blind modality, specifying the anonymity of the authors and evaluators. These reviewers must be specialists in the subject that the paper deals with and of recognized academic prestige (master's or doctorate), with experience in extension and with articles published in academic journals. This process is divided into the following stages:

1. The editor-in-chief performs a check to verify that the writing meets the requirements requested in the Instructions for Authors.
2. The editor-in-chief of the magazine distributes among the members of the Editorial Board, the documents verified in the previous stage, so that they pre-select and determine their pass for the arbitration process.
3. The double-blind ruling stage begins, with the following phases:
3.1 For scrutiny, each article is sent to two reviewers, external to the publishing entity of this journal.
3.2 The external evaluators must deliver the evaluations with the opinion format used by the journal entitled "Opinion Format".
3.3 The external evaluators will evaluate with the following failures:
to. Post.
b. Publish when the authors make the adjustments proposed in the recommendations indicated by the evaluators.
c. Do not post.
4. If there is a case of a difference of opinion between the evaluators, it will be submitted for review by a third evaluator, whose opinion will serve to settle the discrepancy and make a final decision in consensus with the Editorial Board of Magazine. If the opinion of the article requests corrections, the authors will be responsible for making them within the period established by the Editorial Board (generally two weeks, business days), and they must send the writing by email. If it is not delivered on the stipulated date, the article will be published in the next issue.
5. Once the authors return the article with the integrated adjustments, these will be verified by the editor-in-chief and, if required, will be sent back to the authors, until the document is clean.
6. With the article ready, in consensus with the Editorial Board, the final acceptance for publication of the writing is given.

arbitration system

opinion format
To guarantee transparency, those who review journal articles submit their evaluations in the Opinion Form with the items that are qualified when people submit an article for arbitration.

editorial board
The journal has an Editorial Board made up of representatives of the National University and an International Scientific Committee with representatives of different parts of the world. Their commitments include:

• Publish only unpublished, original material that provides academic and scientific relevance according to the theme of the journal.
• Evaluate compliance with the Publication Guidelines before sending the material to peer reviewers.
• Only accept papers that meet the quality criteria of the journal.
• Offer information and support to the authors before and during the evaluation process.

Bank of external evaluators
The journal has a bank of external (peer) reviewers, who are specialists who collaborate in the arbitration process. The commitments of external evaluators include:

• Review the writings in a professional, rigorous and objective manner.
• Accept writings according to your academic, professional experience.
• Carry out an objective, impartial and confidential evaluation of the article.
• Carry out and present the evaluation under the criteria of the journal.
• Maintain communication with the editorial team.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this magazine will be used exclusively for the purposes declared by this magazine and will not be made available for any other purpose or person.

In the event that the postulated article is accepted for publication, the authors allow the FREE, EXCLUSIVE, WORLDWIDE SCOPE AND INDEFINITE TERM assignment of their patrimonial authorship rights to the National University (Costa Rica), which implies the following :

The graphic and style edition of the work or part of it.
The publication and full reproduction of the work or part of it, both by print and electronic media, including the Internet and any other known or unknown technology.
The translation into any language or dialect of the work or part of it.
The adaptation of the work to reading formats, sound, voice and any other representation or technical mechanism available, which enables its access for partially or totally blind people, or with some other form of special abilities that prevents their access to reading. standard of the article.
The distribution and making available of the work to the public, in such a way that the public can have access to them from the moment and place that each one chooses, through the physical or electronic mechanisms available.
That the work be distributed through the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivatives International license version 4.0, which implies the possibility that readers can freely download, store, copy and distribute the final version.
Any other form of use, process or system known or yet to be known that is related to the editorial activities and purposes to which the Magazine is linked.
Rights of reuse: In turn, the UNA grants the AUTHORS the right to reuse for any purpose and to be able to publish on the internet or any electronic site, the final approved and published version (post-print) of the article, as long as is done without profit.
They accept that, with their collaboration, the article presented is adjusted by the editorial team of the Magazine, to the "Instructions for authors" previously established and published on the official website of the Magazine, regarding procedures , format, correction, edition, publication, duration of the editorial process and other requirements requested in said regulations.
They accept that the Journal will reserve the right to expeditiously withdraw or block access to the publications stored on their virtual platforms at the time of obtaining effective knowledge of a complaint filed by a third party for alleged infringement of their copyrights.
In accordance with Law No. 8968, the law for the protection of individuals against the processing of their personal data, the AUTHORS agree to provide the Journal with a contact email, as well as the personal data necessary to identify the authorship. . In turn, they authorize the Journal to publish along with the article, the necessary personal data (name and surname, institution, city/country, email address and ORCID number). Any other personal data other than that indicated above, will be kept by the Journal with absolute confidentiality and may not be disclosed or transferred to third parties without the consent of the AUTHORS.
They admit that the application and possible publication of the article in the Universidad en Diálogo Magazine will be governed by its editorial policies, the institutional regulations of the National University and the legislation of the Republic of Costa Rica. Additionally, that in the event of any eventual difference in criteria or future dispute, it will be resolved in accordance with the mechanisms of Alternative Dispute Resolution and the Costa Rican Jurisdiction.