Arbitration System

Procedure for the selection and approval of articles
1. All papers will be submitted to the review process with the external peer review system (external evaluators), with the double-blind modality and the anonymity that is used in the evaluation is made explicit (anonymity of the authors and evaluators).
2. These reviewers must be specialists in the subject covered by the writing and of recognized academic prestige (master's or doctorate), with experience in extension and with articles published in academic journals.

Review procedure
1. The chief editor performs a check to verify that the writing meets the requirements requested in the Instructions to authors.
2. The editor-in-chief of the journal distributes the documents verified in the previous stage among the members of the Editorial Board, so that they pre-select and determine their pass for the arbitration process.
3. The double-blind ruling stage begins, with the following phases:
    3.1 For the scrutiny, each article is sent to two reviewers, external to the publishing entity of this journal.
    3.2 The external evaluators must deliver the assessments with the opinion format used by the journal entitled "Opinion format".
    3.3 The external evaluators will evaluate with the following failures:
      • Post.
      • Publish when the authors make the adjustments proposed in the recommendations indicated by the evaluators.
      • Do not post.
4. If there is a case where there is a difference of opinion between the reviewers, it will be subject to review by a third reviewer, whose opinion will serve to settle the discrepancy and make a final decision in consensus with the Editorial Board of Magazine. If the opinion of the article requests corrections, the authors will be responsible for making them within the period established by the Editorial Board (generally two weeks, business days), and must send the document by email. If it is not delivered on the stipulated date, the article will be published in the next issue.
5. Once the authors return the article with the integrated adjustments, these will be verified by the chief editor and, if required, they will be sent again to the authors, until the document is refined.
6. With the article ready, in consensus with the Editorial Board, the final acceptance for publication of the writing is given.

Average number of weeks between the submission of an article and its publication. It is sought that the time that elapses from the receipt of the writing to the publication, does not exceed 8 months.

Letter of originality and transfer of authorship rights. People who apply for an original to be valued must fill out and sign the document entitled “Letter of originality and transfer of copyright”. In the case of articles by several authors, all must sign this document, which can be accessed here.

Academic curriculum. The authors must submit a brief academic resume, written in paragraph form. In this you must indicate the current place of work (this information is important to record the affiliation of the authors, a quality parameter required by international indices). The resume must be part of the email in which the article is sent.