Effects of Mineral, Organic, and Mineral-Organic Fertilizers on AgroProductive Characteristics in Coffee Plants and Cup Quality


  • Ellen Sancho Barrantes Universidad Nacional Heredia, Costa Rica, Costa Rica
  • Diana Espinoza Ballestero Universidad Nacional Costa Rica, Costa Rica
  • Diego Aguirre Rosales Universidad Nacional Costa Rica, Costa Rica




quality cup,, pagiotropic axis,, orthothropic axis,, internodes,, specialty coffee.


A six-year experiment (2013-2018) was carried out to assess the effect of three types of fertilizers on agro-productive characteristics of coffee plants (Coffea arabica, Caturra variety) in Santa Lucía Experimental Farm of the National University, located in Barva, Heredia, Costa Rica. The treatments were as follows: T1 mineral fertilizer, T2 mineral fertilizer + vermicompost, and T3 compost + chicken manure. Height of plants (orthotropic axis), bandola length (plagiotropic axis), number of internodes, and per Costa Rican fanega (258kg/568.78 lb) production were measured. In order to observe the 2018 plant response to pruning, a total pruning was applied. In addition, an analysis of cup quality related to each fertilization type was also undertaken for 2014-2015, 2015-2016 and 2016-2017 crops. Regarding growth variables, the cumulative effect of the last year was retained. For the height variable, a statistical difference was found between T1 and T2 (higher). With respect to T3, similar results were found in the amount of internodes. The three treatments surpassed the national productive standard without significant differences between them. T3 showed higher values for emergent stems, with a mean of 9.29 stems per plant site. The best quality cup was found related to T3, which ranked the coffee in the specialty category.


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How to Cite

Sancho Barrantes, E., Espinoza Ballestero, D., & Aguirre Rosales, D. (2019). Effects of Mineral, Organic, and Mineral-Organic Fertilizers on AgroProductive Characteristics in Coffee Plants and Cup Quality. Universidad En Diálogo: Revista De Extensión, 9(2), 175-185. https://doi.org/10.15359/udre.9-2.9

How to Cite

Sancho Barrantes, E., Espinoza Ballestero, D., & Aguirre Rosales, D. (2019). Effects of Mineral, Organic, and Mineral-Organic Fertilizers on AgroProductive Characteristics in Coffee Plants and Cup Quality. Universidad En Diálogo: Revista De Extensión, 9(2), 175-185. https://doi.org/10.15359/udre.9-2.9

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