Shared Reading as an Strategy to Promote Early Literacy: Lessons from a Practical Experience


  • Pablo Chaverri Chaves National University of Costa Rica, Costa Rica image/svg+xml
  • L. Diego Conejo Bolaños National University of Costa Rica, Costa Rica image/svg+xml
  • Marianella Castro Pérez National University of Costa Rica, Costa Rica image/svg+xml



Reading comprehension, teachers, family, literacy, shared reading


This article summarizes the main ideas developed in the project “Shared reading in preschool children”, which integrated the components of extension and research; It was carried out by academics from the Instituto de Estudios Interdisciplinarios de la Niñez y la Adolescencia (INEINA) of the Universidad Nacional (UNA) in Costa Rica. The objective of this intervention was to contribute to the development of initial literacy in preschool children, through the design and evaluation of a shared reading training strategy aimed at teachers and parental figures.

Shared Reading in preschool boys and girls is focused on offering pleasant spaces for reading aloud, either within the family or in educational centers; books with narratives appropriate for the child’s age are used, which promote interactions that seek to contribute significantly to comprehensive development and especially to the processes of literacy and reading comprehension.

For the above reasons, training workshops were held for parents and teachers on the principles and applications of shared reading, so that they could do it with the preschool children in their care. Consequently, from this project it was analyzed how from the intervention through training, there was a resignification of the importance of shared reading, both in the family and educational sphere.

The participating groups were 13 parental figures (fathers and mothers) and 22 teachers, from different areas of the country (Heredia, Alajuela, San José, Cartago and Guanacaste). Regarding the methodology, 5 workshops were held with family figures and the same amount with teachers. On the other hand, in the research methodology, two instruments were applied, a pre-test and a post-test.

Author Biographies

Pablo Chaverri Chaves, National University of Costa Rica

Máster en Ciencias Cognoscitivas, UCR. Docente, Investigador y Extensionista, INEINA-Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica.

L. Diego Conejo Bolaños, National University of Costa Rica

 Doctor en Desarrollo Humano y Ciencias Familiares, University of Missouri – Columbia, USA. Docente Investigador, INEINA-Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica.

Marianella Castro Pérez, National University of Costa Rica

Marianella Castro Pérez. Máster en Administración Educativa, Licenciada en Educación Preescolar. Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica. Universidad Latina. Académica, investigadora y extensionista del Instituto de Estudios Interdisciplinarios de la Niñez y la Adolescencia. Centro de Investigación y Docencia en Educación, Universidad Nacional.


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How to Cite

Chaverri Chaves, P., Conejo Bolaños, L. D., & Castro Pérez, M. (2024). Shared Reading as an Strategy to Promote Early Literacy: Lessons from a Practical Experience. Universidad En Diálogo: Revista De Extensión, 14(1), 1-40.

How to Cite

Chaverri Chaves, P., Conejo Bolaños, L. D., & Castro Pérez, M. (2024). Shared Reading as an Strategy to Promote Early Literacy: Lessons from a Practical Experience. Universidad En Diálogo: Revista De Extensión, 14(1), 1-40.

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