Business training experience of entrepreneurial students UNA-UNED and civilian population 2020-2022




Rural entrepreneurship - Business training - Pandemic - Strategies - Students - Rural areas - civilian population., Rural, entrepeneurship, business, training, pandemic, strategies, students, rural, areas, civilian, population


Entrepreneurship has been established as a mechanism through which people create their own sources of income and thereby contribute to the development of the communities where they offer products or services. This document sets out the strategies taken into consideration to comply with the UNA/UNED Business Training project, aimed at student entrepreneurs and civil society during 2020-2022 in the Region Brunca. It is developed through a systematization of the experience of the process that was developed during the period of the COVID 19 pandemic, a context that changed the way of carrying out daily activities. The situation experienced reflected the need for greater preparation of entrepreneurs in terms of skills in the technological field, digital marketing, strategic alliances, and adequate business preparation. Within the results obtained, it was possible to identify the need for these initiatives to have appropriate resources in terms of knowledge of tools that allow them to manage improvements in the area of operation, strategies and business linkage.


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How to Cite

Business training experience of entrepreneurial students UNA-UNED and civilian population 2020-2022. (2023). Universidad En Diálogo: Revista De Extensión, 13(2), 1-21.

How to Cite

Business training experience of entrepreneurial students UNA-UNED and civilian population 2020-2022. (2023). Universidad En Diálogo: Revista De Extensión, 13(2), 1-21.

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