Biological Corridors as Enhancers of Local Development: Case Study of Biological Corridor Alexander Skutch
Biological Corridor, community, local developmentAbstract
When we relate to Protected Green Belts they involve a delimited territory, usually privately owned and whose purpose is to provide connectivity between landscapes, ecosystems and habitats – natural or modified – to ensure the maintenance of biodiversity and the ecological and evolutionary processes. For the last two years and within the outreach programs scenario at Brunca Regional Head Office, Perez Zeledon Campus, we have been working at Alexander Skutch Green Belt. This work has been done through FUNDER (University Funds for Regional Development), focused on the objective of strengthen the efforts the communities that belong to this specific belt do to help in the sustainability of the environment, natural and cultural resources. Because the concept of Green Belt was not well positioned or understood by the communities, they had not a real identification with the meaning of a Protected Green Belt. To develop the research process we started diagnosing each one of the seven communities located on Alexander Skutch Green Belt. The instrument included documentary and bibliographical research, field trips, and open forums to get acquainted with these communities’ economic, social and cultural characteristics and with the leaders of the communities. The most important results gathered during the research at A. S Green Belt, are the identification of the environmental problems in each one of the communities, the local initiatives on protection, get close to the Green Belt Counsel and give support to its members. On the other hand, we showed the people of the communities other significant efforts from communities around the country thus our participation in different activities as festivals, forums and activities in the Green Belt.
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