Program CI-UNA-English ACCESS Microscholarship: Promoting academic and professional development of high school students at Perez Zeledon


  • Yalile Jiménez-Olivares Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
  • Sofía Mora-Abarca Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
  • Cinthya Olivares-Garita Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
  • Sandra Palacios-Palacios Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica



program, alliance, skills


CI-UNA-English Access Microscholarship Program is being developed in San Isidro, Pérez Zeledón for the first time through an alliance among Centro de Idiomas, Universidad Nacional, Sede Regional Brunca (CI-UNA), the US Embassy and the Ministry of Public Education. The mission of this alliance is to favor the academic and professional development by granting economic scholarships to specific students for a two-period years. The parameters for this selection are founded on two criteria: high academic achievement and an economically disadvantaged status. Based on the implementation of this program for eight months in this region, this study is an attempt to describe CI-UNA- English Access Microschorlaship Program, its theoretical foundation, administrative and academic organization, methodological structure, materials, evaluation as well as the entrance and exit students’ profile. 


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How to Cite

Jiménez-Olivares, Y., Mora-Abarca, S., Olivares-Garita, C., & Palacios-Palacios, S. (2016). Program CI-UNA-English ACCESS Microscholarship: Promoting academic and professional development of high school students at Perez Zeledon. Universidad En Diálogo: Revista De Extensión, 6(1), 151-170.

How to Cite

Jiménez-Olivares, Y., Mora-Abarca, S., Olivares-Garita, C., & Palacios-Palacios, S. (2016). Program CI-UNA-English ACCESS Microscholarship: Promoting academic and professional development of high school students at Perez Zeledon. Universidad En Diálogo: Revista De Extensión, 6(1), 151-170.

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