The Certificate of Sustainable Tourism an opportunity for Carbon Neutrality Standard INTE -12-01-06:2011


  • Alonso Gerardo Arley-Alvarado Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
  • Kattia Lizett Vasconcelos-Vásquez Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica



Sustainable tourism, Certification for Sustainable Tourism (CST), carbon neutrality INTE -12-01-06, 2011


Tourism is a major source of foreign exchange in the world by reporting “spending by international visitors on accommodation, dining, entertainment, shopping and other goods and services accounted for destinations worldwide revenues estimated at 1,159,000 million United States dollars (873,000 million euros) in 2013 growth exceeded the long-term trend, reaching 5% in real terms (taking into account fluctuations in the exchange rate and inflation). The rate of revenue growth was equivalent to the increase in international tourist arrivals, which also increased by 5% to 1,087 million in 2013, compared to 1,035 million in 2012 “according to the press release of 14 May 2014 (World Tourism Organization: 2014, p.1), and represents 29% of exports (WTO: 2014, p.1). In Costa Rica received in 2013 the amount of $ 2. 253.3 halved tourism as tourism directory (ICT., 2013 p. 47), surpassing the export of coffee, bananas and pineapple. In Costa Rica 28% of the territory is part of the National System of Protected Areas, taking 2nd place in the world still Switzerland 1st (Programa de Estado de la Región:2013). He is considered one of the top three destinations for ecotourism (NATGEO: 2013).


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How to Cite

Arley-Alvarado, A. G., & Vasconcelos-Vásquez, K. L. (2016). The Certificate of Sustainable Tourism an opportunity for Carbon Neutrality Standard INTE -12-01-06:2011. Universidad En Diálogo: Revista De Extensión, 6(1), 183-197.

How to Cite

Arley-Alvarado, A. G., & Vasconcelos-Vásquez, K. L. (2016). The Certificate of Sustainable Tourism an opportunity for Carbon Neutrality Standard INTE -12-01-06:2011. Universidad En Diálogo: Revista De Extensión, 6(1), 183-197.

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