Forest Monitoring with Remote Sensing Within the Framework of Climate Change


  • Mauricio Vega-Araya Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
  • Javier Bonatti-González Universidad de Costa Rica, Costa Rica



climate change, forest monitoring, remote sensing


The research of the effects of the climate change is one of the biggest challenges for the humanity. Nowadays, there is a debate about the amount and the flow of the carbon reservation in the forests. As soon as, these flows reduces the concentrations of the CO2 in the atmosphere. In this context, the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change’s deals with concerted actions in an international level to reduce the emissions of CO2 and increase carbon (C) sequestration through the human intervention, including any activity related with the forest management. However, the forestry and the forest management have been recognized as activities which are extremely difficult to established a quantative control of the contributions induced by activities of the human been relative to the emissions or the carbon sequestration to the atmosphere. In the different conventions and agreements, for example, the agreements Marrakech (2001), only the reforestation was included as an eligible action in the context of the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM). After tough negotiations, and with the passage of time, a range of forest activities were incorporated, culminating with the processes of REDD and REDD+, for example, the financial compensation for the successful national arrangements reducing the deforestation and the forest degradation. It was thought then, about the necessity of counting with effective and reliable systems of tracing. Through the reports of Measuring, Reporting and Verification (MRV) has been established and accepted as an standard framework for monitoiring processes, consisting in a resourse inventory (the tradional forest inventories) as a key component. This work approaches and analyzes the challenges of the remote sensing in the context of the projects related with forest and MRV. In addition, it becomes an approach of the necessity of studying the seasonal changes of the vegetation in Costa Rica and how this variations can affect the results of the projects of mapping the forest ecosystems.


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How to Cite

Vega-Araya, M., & Bonatti-González, J. (2016). Forest Monitoring with Remote Sensing Within the Framework of Climate Change. Universidad En Diálogo: Revista De Extensión, 6(2), 59-73.

How to Cite

Vega-Araya, M., & Bonatti-González, J. (2016). Forest Monitoring with Remote Sensing Within the Framework of Climate Change. Universidad En Diálogo: Revista De Extensión, 6(2), 59-73.

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