ISSN: 2215-2849 / EISSN: 2215-4752

The Universidad en Diálogo Extension Journal was born in 2011 -with an institutional character- as a bidirectional space, which aspires to be a meeting point to share experiences, visions, proposals and results of the commitment of the public university for the transformation of our complex and diverse realities. towards a society with greater equity and justice.

The practices, knowledge and experiences generated from university and community interaction have been collected since 2011 in this magazine to make visible, socialize and systematize both the processes and the results and impact generated. It is, in this sense, a broad communication body, but at the same time it seeks to account for the specific work carried out by extension academics and the community incidence that is generated in society and that feeds, at the same time, that work.

The publication is aimed at students, professionals and people in society interested in the processes and methodologies of university extension and the university-society-State relationship. It consists of a biannual publication with continuous improvements in its management strategy, to raise the quality and internationalization of the magazine; in response to a context of rapid transformation.

The journal has an Editorial Board and an International Scientific Committee. For more information click on the following link: Cuerpo Editorial.

Periodicity: Semestral. The first number from January to June and the second from July to December.

Publishing entity: National University, Extension Vice-Rectory, Heredia, Costa Rica.

No APC Policy: This journal provides immediate free access to its content. The right to read all articles is free immediately after publication.

PO Box: National University, Omar Dengo Campus, Extension Vice-Rectory, Calle 9 Avenida 0 y 9, Heredia, Costa Rica. ZIP Code: 86-3000.


Facebook: Revista de Extensión - Universidad en Diálogo

Current Issue

Vol. 14 No. 1 (2024): Universidad en Diálogo Revista de Extensión (Continuous publication January-June)
Published: 2024-06-30

Artículos (Sección arbitrada)

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