Publishing Guidelines

Languages. Universidad en Diálogo receives writings in Spanish, English and Portuguese.
Open access. This magazine provides immediate free access to its content. The right to read all articles is free immediately after publication. By "open access", we mean free availability on the public internet, allowing users to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search or link to the full text of articles, pass them as data to software or use them for any other lawful purpose, without financial, legal or technical barriers that are not inseparable from internet access. The only limitation on reproduction and distribution, and the only role of copyright in this area, should be to give authors control over the integrity of their work and the right to be properly acknowledged and cited (Budapest Open Access Initiative).
Authorship. They will be able to file the post-print (the final version after peer review) or the editor's version/PDF of the article approved for publication.
Gratuity. The authors do not assume any cost for the processing of articles, nor for the submission of articles (there is no cost for the editorial process of their articles).
Licensing and intellectual protection. The Universidad en Diálogo magazine and each of the articles published are licensed by Creative Commons Attribution Non-commercial No derivatives 4.0 International.
DOI. The journal provides DOI to each article. “Alphanumeric code that identifies it on the web and recovers it even if it is located on a server other than the one where it was originally hosted.”
Preservation. This magazine carries out preservation processes through institutional servers that support the content of the website. Also through the PKP-PN part of the historical records of the magazine are kept. This information is available at this link. Additionally, the information is backed up on local servers and in the journal's cloud.
Dictamination. To guarantee transparency, those who arbitrate journal articles submit their evaluations in the Dictamination Form with the items that are scored when people submit an article for arbitration.
Reception of articles. The reception of articles is always open and approved articles will be scheduled for publication in accordance with the provisions of the Editorial Board of the journal.
Types of writings. The journal publishes the following types of articles:
Original articles. Derived from the experiences, challenges and commitments of the extension, as well as various manifestations that arise from the communities and social groups that constitute the binomial of the area's work; literature review, essays).
Review articles. General matters of interest already carried out and future in national and international events.
Extension. The writings should not exceed 30 pages in total (including the references section).
Posting of more than one article by the same author. When a person submits more than one article for evaluation, if approved, each one will be published in different volumes.
Responsibility. The content of the work to be published is the sole responsibility of the authors, since the journal does not necessarily share the ideas, opinions and statements that are raised in the article.
Privacy statement. Names and email addresses will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or person.
Formats. The journal offers full text articles in formats: HTML, PDF and EPUB.
References. The journal provides references for each article (separately). This parameter is located by clicking on the table of contents above each article title. The article must be regulated with the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA), seventh edition.
Editorial Board. The journal has an Editorial Board made up of people representing the National University and an International Scientific Committee with representatives from different parts of the world.
Bank of external evaluators. The journal has a bank of external reviewers (peers), who are specialists who collaborate in the arbitration process.
Average number of weeks between the submission of an article and its publication. It is sought that the time that elapses from the receipt of the writing to the publication, does not exceed 8 months.
Letter of originality and transfer of authorship rights. People who apply for an original to be valued must fill out and sign the document entitled “Letter of originality and transfer of copyright”. In the case of articles by several authors, all must sign this document, which can be accessed here.
Academic curriculum. The authors must submit a brief academic resume, written in paragraph form. In this you must indicate the current place of work (this information is important to record the affiliation of the authors, a quality parameter required by international indices). The resume must be part of the email in which the article is sent.