The marxist dialectic and the humanism of praxis


  • Franz Hinkelammert Consultor independiente, Germany



Dialectics of Marx, dialectics of Hegel, humanism of praxis, human emancipation


In this article I try to see a "dialectic of Marx" that does not simply consist of "putting Hegel on his feet", but is even radically different from the Hegelian dialectic. Starting from the "categorical imperative" formulated by Marx in 1844, it is concluded that it is also found in Capital, and precisely in a decisive part of this work. It is a humanism of praxis that can be recovered and further developed to face the great threats of our time.

Author Biography

Franz Hinkelammert, Consultor independiente

Economista y teólogo alemán, exponente de la teología de la liberación y de la crítica teológica al capitalismo. Cofundador del Departamento Ecuménico de Investigaciones, en San José, Costa Rica. Doctor en Economía por la Universidad Libre de Berlín. Consultor independiente, Costa Rica.


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How to Cite

The marxist dialectic and the humanism of praxis. (2019). Economía Y Sociedad, 24(55), 134-153.



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How to Cite

The marxist dialectic and the humanism of praxis. (2019). Economía Y Sociedad, 24(55), 134-153.

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