Historic-Epistemological evolution of the Circular Economy: ¿Towards a new development paradigm?





economic systems, environment, circularity, waste


The historic-epistemological development of the Circular Economy concept has been a process which started with the classical school of economics since the end of the XVIII century, and which was consolidated until the first two decades of the XXI century. From its beginnings, classical economists showed notion of the possible consequences of reaching the planet resources’ limit and reaching a stationary state, even generating concerns due to the negative impact of the mainstream economic market model in the environment. Such concern deepened during the XX century when a new counterculture environmental movement was born, which brought innovative ideas to regenerate and restore our resources, based on how the natural systems work. Therefore, Circular Economy arises as a robust concept in the XXI century that is considered a new development paradigm that requires prompt action schemes to change the direction in the use of the finite resources of our planet.

Author Biography

Oscar Ugalde Hernández, Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica

Doctor en Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales, Escuela de Relaciones Internacionales de la Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica


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How to Cite

Historic-Epistemological evolution of the Circular Economy: ¿Towards a new development paradigm?. (2021). Economía Y Sociedad, 26(59), 1-16. https://doi.org/10.15359/eys.26-59.5



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How to Cite

Historic-Epistemological evolution of the Circular Economy: ¿Towards a new development paradigm?. (2021). Economía Y Sociedad, 26(59), 1-16. https://doi.org/10.15359/eys.26-59.5

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