Crisis múltiples del capitalismo global: mirando más allá de la esfera financiera


  • Edgar Fürst Weigand


Grand systemic crisis, (over)accumulation by dispossession, fictitious financial capital, speculative financial bubbles, monetary world system, (post)neoliberalism


In the current debate on the crisis, main attention is directed to the financial sphere from the perspective of business cycle analysis (recession-recuperation). By contrast, this essay draws on the argument that there is virulent a grand crisis of the capitalist regime with multiple systemic-institutional features. In such interpretation are most important: (1) the (over)accumulation by dispossession, (2) the “financialization”, (3) the fragile hegemony of United States in the monetary world system.  After a brief crisis overview, the interpretative elements (1) – (3) are deepened in order to present finally some policies proposed as “solutions”.  The articles conclude with an outline of the open challenges and scenarios of change.

Author Biography

Edgar Fürst Weigand

Catedrático de la Universidad Nacional (UNA) e Investigador del Centro Internacional de Política Económica (CINPE), Heredia-Costa Rica.


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How to Cite

Crisis múltiples del capitalismo global: mirando más allá de la esfera financiera. (2013). Economía Y Sociedad, 16(39-40), 9-26.

How to Cite

Crisis múltiples del capitalismo global: mirando más allá de la esfera financiera. (2013). Economía Y Sociedad, 16(39-40), 9-26.

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