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Diretrizes para Autores

(Updated Sep 10, 2018)

Publication Guidelines for Authors

Economía & Sociedad is a journal continuously published by the School of Economics of Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica (ESEUNA) on a bi-annual basis, the first issue closing June 30th and the second issue closing December 31st. The Journal is part of an effort to promote an economic alternative and critical thinking from a development economics and development ethics perspective.

The Journal promotes the publication of articles that are innovative, have an analytical approach and perspective, and facilitate the common good and social justice. The Journal also promotes a plural approach of the social sciences with a theoretical and methodological diversity, provided the socio-economic challenges of Latin American societies are met and there is contribution to knowledge.

The target audience is scholars, professionals, and students related to the Social and Economic Sciences. Descriptors: Economy; development; finance; business.


The following guidelines must be read in detail before submitting an article. Manuscripts must be submitted through the Journal's email ( Submissions must include the complete original article with an abstract, additional files, and a Statement of Originality and Transfer of Copyright Ownership (which can be found in the "Journal’s General Information").

The Statement of Originality and Transfer of Copyright Ownership must clearly indicate each author’s contribution. Please detail the collaboration that each participant had in the study where requested. All spaces requiring information must be completed. This information will be verified. The statement must be signed by ALL authors, scanned, and emailed to the Journal’s address along with the article. The documents may also be mailed to PO Box 86-3000, Heredia, Costa Rica, Central America. Once received, the Journal's staff will register the article on the OJS (Open Journal System) platform and send the account number to the author to track the review and publishing processes.

The articles in volume 23, number 53, year 2018 can be used as a reference. Other documents that can contribute to the preparation of the article are the APA Publications Manual (pp. 23-40 in the Spanish version) for quantitative publications or go to this link for qualitative publications. Finally, the use of free anti plagiarism software can help ensure a transparent process.

In addition, articles must be submitted with the following format.


Documents must be prepared in Microsoft Word for Windows (doc or docx extensions). Font must be Calibri 12. The text must be justified in a column and all pages must be numbered in the bottom right header. Maximum words will be 6,000 (except for systematic review articles, which may be a maximum of 7,000), including references. Annexes (questionnaires, scales, figures, tables, etc.) are also taken into account in the total number of words in the article.

The Journal recommends the use of the following sections in papers: INTRODUCTION, METHODOLOGY, RESULTS, DISCUSSION, REFERENCES, and APPENDICES, the latter if necessary.

The first page of the article must contain the title in Spanish and in English (not to exceed 18 words), full name of the author, institutional affiliation, and the research project from which the article derives (if applicable). Submissions must include the author’s brief CV, phone number, and address.

The introduction must clearly state the objective, hypothesis (if applicable), and an overview of the theoretical approach.

The articles that do not meet the editorial standards will not be subject to the peer evaluation process.

Structure of Abstracts and Descriptors or Keywords

The summary will have a maximum of 250 words and should include: the objective of the article, the method and the materials used to collect the information, the main results obtained and the conclusions of the study; in addition, it must be included in Spanish and English. A maximum of 5 descriptors or keywords in Spanish and in English should be included at the end of the abstract. Descriptors should be words different than those used in the title in order to improve the functionality of the search engine.

Guidelines for Figures and Tables

Drawings, graphics, diagrams, illustrations and photographs will be collectively referred to as figures. Figures must be included in the main document where appropriate within the margins of the text. In addition, they must be referenced in the text and numbered in order of appearance.

Both figures and tables must be Calibri 12, and files must be modifiable to facilitate layout.

Authors must follow the APA 2010 third edition format in Spanish, translated from the 2009 sixth edition in English.

The title and possible concise explanation of the figure, as well as clarifications of abbreviations, statistics, symbols and any other text, must be below the figure.

Figures (in high resolution, either in black and white or colors) must be sent with the article in the original format, in case modifications need to be made for layout.

If figures not prepared by the author are used, they must be cited and included in the references, and the corresponding permissions must be submitted to the Journal. In the specific case of photographs, permission is required from the person being photographed (if applicable) and the photographer. In the article submission, authors must guarantee, and demonstrate with additional documentation, that the images or any other type of illustration used have the proper authorization.

Guidelines for References

The reference list (which includes only sources cited in the text) must be listed alphabetically using a hanging indent. References should not be abused, but rather selected based on their relevance and direct relationship with the topic. Refer to the following websites or the 2010 APA Publications Manual, as a guideline in Spanish:

Here are some examples of commonly used sources:
Printed Book
Author’s last name, initial(s), (year). Title of book in italics. Country: name of publisher.

Mora, H. (2004). 101 razones para oponerse al Tratado de Libre Comercio entre Centroamérica y Estados Unidos. Costa Rica: Editorial Universidad Nacional.

Printed Journal Article
Author’s last name, Capitalized initial followed by a period. (year). Article title. Name and volume of journal in italics (number of journal in parentheses), page numbers

Díaz, R. & Valenciano, J. A. (2012). Gobernanza en las cadenas globales de  mercancías/valor: una revisión conceptual. Revista Economía y Sociedad, (41), 9-27.

Article in Electronic Journal

Author’s last name, Capitalized initial followed by a period. (year, month). Article title. Name of journal and volume in italics (number of journal in parentheses), page numbers. Retrieved from the document’s electronic address.

Díaz, R. & Valenciano, J. A. (2012). Gobernanza en las cadenas globales de  mercancías/valor: una revisión conceptual. Revista Economía y Sociedad, (41), 9-27. Retrieved from

Work Informally Published or Self-Archived

Author’s last name, Capitalized initial followed by a period. (year). Title of article in italics. Retrieved from website address.

Morales, R. (2012). Balance macroeconómico administración Chinchilla Miranda. Retrieved from


Citations will be in the text using the format established in the APA Manual, 6th edition in English and 3rd edition in the version translated into Spanish.

At the end of the process, if the manuscript is accepted for publication, authors of published articles will receive a copy of the printed Journal where the article is published.
Please write to if you have any questions.
Henry Mora, Ph.D., Director
Roxana Morales, M.Sc., Editor in Chief
Fabiola Quirós-Segura, Licda., Associate Editor

Revista Economía & Sociedad

Escuela de Economía

Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica

Tel. (506) 2562-41-42

Condições para submissão

Todas as submissões devem atender aos seguintes requisitos.

  • A contribuição é original e inédita, e não está sendo avaliada para publicação por outra revista; caso contrário, deve-se justificar em "Comentários ao editor".
  • O arquivo da submissão está em formato Microsoft Word, OpenOffice ou RTF.
  • URLs para as referências foram informadas quando possível.
  • O texto está em espaço simples; usa uma fonte de 12-pontos; emprega itálico em vez de sublinhado (exceto em endereços URL); as figuras e tabelas estão inseridas no texto, não no final do documento na forma de anexos.
  • O texto segue os padrões de estilo e requisitos bibliográficos descritos em Diretrizes para Autores, na página Sobre a Revista.

Artigos (seção arbitrada)

Articles include peer review and style review

Nota técnica (seção arbitrária)

Articles include peer review and style review

Política de Privacidade

Os nomes e endereços informados nesta revista serão usados exclusivamente para os serviços prestados por esta publicação, não sendo disponibilizados para outras finalidades ou a terceiros.