
This journal is not accepting submissions at this time.

Author Guidelines

Submission Guidelines for Ensayos Pedagógicos Journal



A. General Aspects of the Manuscript:

-Ensayos Pedagógicos publishes essays, research articles, systematization articles and literature reviews in Spanish or English, which must be original and unpublished. You may consult a general description of each of these formats here.


-To submit a manuscript, it is indispensable to create a user on our web site and follow the required process.

-All submitted papers must be between 12 and 20 pages long, be in letter size, be written in ARIAL 11 in one and a half spacing, and be in .doc/.docx format (Microsoft Office Word) or .odt (Libre Office). All pages must be numbered on the lower right margin, and all paragraphs must be indented.

-At the beginning of each manuscript, an abstract of no more than 200 words must be included in both Spanish and English. References must not be used in the abstracts.

-Next, a list of keywords in Spanish and English must be icluded after each abstract. For this purpose, it is advisable to use a thesaurus (e.g., UNESCO's thesaurus). The keywords must appear in alphabetical order.

-In-text citations and references must comply with the APA format (7th Ed.) consistently. A basic format for references can be checked here. Important note: The inclusion of secondary citations is not recommended.

-Footnotes must be correctly numbered. They must be used to comment on, discuss or elaborate on information stated in the manuscript, but NOT to include additional references. They are to be written in Arial 8.

-If the manuscritp contains tables and figures, they must have high resolution to ensure their digital reproducibility. Unoriginal tables and figures must come with a permission to be reproduced.


B. Preparation of the Manuscript:

-The title must be centered in Arial 14 bold (using both capitals and lowercase letters). Next, the title translated into Spanish will be included in Arial 12 and without boldface.

-After the title, the author(s) full name(s) must appear along with their current academic affiliation, city and country (of the institution), and e-mail address alligned to the right in Arial 12 and without boldface. 

-Each author's name must include a foot note containing a short autobiographic summary. All authors are required to posees an ORCID (Open Researcher & Contributor ID). It is important for the ORCID profile to be configured as public.

-After that, the abstract in English is to be included as an undindented paragraph followed by the keywords in English.

-Under the abstrac in English, the asbtract in Spanish (Resumen) must be included as an unindented paragraph followed by the keywords in Spanish (Palabras clave). The Editorial Board may support authors who need help with the translation.

-The headings or sections of the manuscript must comply with the APA format (7th Ed.). This format can be checked here.

-Each manuscript submitted to the journal must come with a list of references in the APA format (7th Ed.). This section must only be called "References." Moreover, as far as possible, all entries on the list of references must come with a DOI or URL. Finally, no lines are allowed to susbtitute for authors' last names, nor is the use of "et al." allowed for works having fewer than 20 authors.


C. Procedure for Submitting a Manuscript:

-The manuscript must be submitted through the journal's web site.

-Also, along with the manuscript, the “Statement of Originality and Transfer of Rights.” must be filled in, signed, and attached. This document is indispensable to begin the editorial process.


D. Review Process:

-Once a manuscript is received, the Internal Editorial Board will verify that it complies with the required format and journal's focus and scope. Otherwise, the manuscript will be returned so that any necessary modifications are made or to recommend that it be sent to a different journal if its content is not related to the journal's thematic areas. Moreover, if plagiarism in any of its forms is identified, the manuscript will be rejected immmediately without the possibility of correcting it.

-Next, the Internal Editorial Board will select suitable external readers to carry out the double-blind review process. Our review guide can be consulted here.

-The reviwers' decision will be one of the following: 1. Publish, 2. Publish after the author has made any necessary modifications recommended by the reviewers, and 3. Do not publish

-In case reviewers have divergent opinions, the Internal Editorial Board will look for an additional reviewer, and a decision will be made based on simple majority.

-The decisions will be analyzed by the Internal Editorial Board, and a final decision will be made.

-If no modifications are needed, the manuscript will be approved for publication. If modifications are required by the reviewers, the author(s) wil have fifteen days to make them. Likewise, each author is responsible for proofreading the final manuscript to avoid any future misunderstandings.

-In any case, the Internal Editorial Board will get in contact with authors via e-mail to inform them about the decision made at the end of the process.


Note: The following diagram shows the editorial process followed by each manuscript.


E. Registration of Reviewers:

- If you are interested in collaboration in the review processes of our journal, fill in this form.

-Given our open access policies, reviewers do not receive monetary compensations for their collaboration.


If you have any questions, write to


Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • All the links to the Internet found in the manuscript work properly.
  • The Statement of Originality of Transfer of Rights is included and was carefully read, completed, and signed.
  • The manuscript complies with the submission guidelines of the journal rigorously.
  • The manuscript follows the APA format (7th Ed.) correctly.
  • For each of the references, as far as possible, a DOI or URL was provided.
  • Each of the citations found in the manuscript is complemented by an entry on the list of references and vice versa.
  • For any unoriginal information used in the manuscript, credit has been given to it in accordance with the APA citation standards, thereby preventing involuntary plagiarism. I understand that if unjustified coincidences with other documents are identified, my manuscript will be rejected immediately.
  • I undertand that if a manuscript is submitted during a period that does not correspond to a call for papers, it will be rejected immediately.
  • The submitted manuscript corresponds to a work in the field of education or pedagogy in any of their specialties.

Privacy Statement

All the names and e-mail addresses included in this journal will be used exclusively for the purposes stated by the journal and will not be utilized otherwise.